Some may say it’s just a cap.
Not a big deal.
Nothing special.
Made of latex or silicone.
Maybe it shaves off a few hundreds of a second.
It definitely prevents your hair from turning green.
But other than that, nothing special. Not a big deal.
It’s just a cap.
Not here.
Here, it’s an honor.
Here, it’s a privilege.
Here, it’s a big deal.
Special things happen when you wear that cap here. Special things happen when you put those letters on.
It’s not magic that makes our cap special. It’s not something mysterious. In fact, it’s quite simple. And in its simplicity is where the magic lies.
It’s what the cap represents that makes it special.
It represents tradition. Years of dedication and sacrifice by people you’ve never met and have only heard heroes tales about. They paved the way for us and played an important role in making this cap special.
It represents hard work. Incredible work. The amount of work that requires you to push yourself beyond limits you didn’t even know existed. If someone told you before you started the amount of work it would take to have the privilege to wear this cap, you may have thought twice. Thousands of laps, back and forth, day after day, for under 60 seconds. And although you hate the work, you really love the work. Because you know the work is a big reason why this cap is special.
It represents love. Selfless love. For your brothers. For being a part of something bigger than yourself. If it were only you, you could only do so much. But when you know you can count on your brothers, anything is possible. No workout is too hard because they are there to inspire you. No adversity is too difficult because they are there to lift you. And victory is always sweeter because they are there to share it with you. Getting better for each other makes this cap special.
Tradition. Work. Love.
That’s the secret recipe. That’s the magic.
That’s what makes wearing this cap special. That’s what makes wearing those letters so special.
So, do you see it now? Or is it still just a cap?
I know what we see. And I know what we feel when we wear it. And if you still don’t understand, come watch and see the special things that happen when we put it on.